Alopecia UK Big Weekend Success!

When the Alopecia UK charity approached APT l about helping to organise their annual Big Weekend, we jumped at the opportunity to get involved as part of our corporate social responsibility.

Our team love having a good ol’ event to sink their teeth into and it has been all hands on deck preparing for the event which took place on Saturday 28 September in Bristol.

From exhibitor management to microphone running here are just some of the tasks that we LOVE when it comes to events:

  • Organising and liaising with exhibitors and developing excellent relationships
  • Event signage and way-finding that brighten up the event
  • Logo and brochure designs to keep delegates informed
  • General event running… including blowing up 50 balloons and packing 300 goody bags!
  • Meeting lots of new people!

We had an absolute ball at the Alopecia UK Big Weekend and we received some really lovely feedback from not only the charity team but many of the delegates too and that’s really what we love about events, making people smile!

We would also like to thank the amazing team at Bristol Marriott Hotel, without them the event wouldn’t have gone as smoothly as it did!

Speak to the team on 01242 250692 or email

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