APT Academy: Emily

Over Summer 2017 I began searching for a company around Cheltenham, so that I could gain some experience within the marketing industry whilst finishing my final year at University. So, after some emails and a chat, I began at the end of August. I was thrown in head first during the preparations for Cheltenham Festival of Cycling for the Tour of Britain, and quickly got to know the team and the values of the company. The Tour of Britain was a great chance for me to be put under pressure with the team and experience them under pressure too!

The next big stage was the Marketing Cheltenham launch, when I helped prepare for and attended the launch. This was a great way for me to experience the members of the team networking and presenting to a large audience.
During the quieter periods, I helped schedule social media, write creative blog posts and update App content. It is really rewarding to see your work published and shared across sites and social media, it shows that the work is truly appreciated.
Throughout my time at APT, I’ve learnt various systems, techniques and programs that have given me skills to use in the future, as well as given me tonne of experience within the workplace.

APT Marketing and PR has allowed me to meet and work with a passionate and driven team, and I hope that I have the pleasure of working in a team such as this again in the future. Thank you all for teaching me everything you know, giving me advice and being so welcoming!

Speak to the team on 01242 250692 or email info@aptmarketing.co.uk.

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