Discovering Our Creative Types

We’re guilty of loving a good ol’ fashioned personality quiz, but when the recently released ‘Creative Types Quiz’ by Adobe swept the office, the curiosity as to how we as a team matched up became a talking point.
The quiz aims to identify the core creative in each of us by asking a series of 15 simple two option questions which then generates a creative personality based on how logical or lateral our decisions were. We couldn’t resist diving into our archetypes…
Angie – Artist Victoria – Producer Kelly – Adventurer Dawn – Dreamer Jessica – Thinker
We found the results spookily accurate to each of our individual personalities, and as it happens, we all in fact compliment each-other as a team and ideal collaborators; (which of course, we already knew!)
Angie ‘The Artist’ (Seeing beauty, creating beauty)
“As an ARTIST, you need to create in order to feel truly alive. Full of ideas and visions, you’re driven by the desire to express yourself and transform the world around you.”
Creative Strengths = Ability to bring ideas and concepts to life
Untapped Potential = Becoming totally fearless in your expression
Ideal Collaborator = The Producer
Victoria ‘The Producer’ (Process is power)
“The PRODUCER is the quintessential “doer” of all the creative types. People-oriented, analytical, pragmatic, and dynamic, you have a highly creative nature that’s balanced by a grounded realism and “get it done” attitude.”
Creative Strengths = Strong leadership skills, ability to make things happen
Untapped Potential = Balancing productivity with purpose
Ideal Collaborator = The Dreamer
Kelly ‘The Adventurer’ (So much inspiration, so little time)
“ADVENTURER types are passionate, expressive, multi-talented creative spirits with a natural ability to entertain and inspire. As an ADVENTURER, you’re never satisfied to just come up with ideas.”
Creative Strengths = High levels of creative energy, spirit of curiosity and play
Untapped Potential = Committing yourself to developing one particular skill or project
Ideal Collaborator = The Artist
Dawn ‘The Dreamer’ (The power of imagination unleashed)
“The world is a place of beauty and magic in the eyes of a DREAMER. Where others see facts and figures, you see symbols, metaphors, and hidden meanings.”
Creative Strengths = Connection to emotions and imagination, empathy and sensitivity
Untapped Potential = Using dreams to fuel real-world action
Ideal Collaborator = The Innovator
Jessica ‘The Thinker’ (Deep thoughts, big questions)
“For the THINKER, the examined life is truly the only one worth living. Ever the perpetual student, you experience the world as an endless opportunity for learning, discovery, and truth-seeking.”
Creative Strengths = Intellectual curiosity, ability to find and create meaning
Untapped Potential = Bridging theory and practice, applying ideas in real life
Ideal Collaborator = The Adventurer
Find out more about how our creative types could complement your business here +

Speak to the team on 01242 250692 or email

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